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When your body does not have enough iron to meet its daily needs and it starts using its iron stores, you are suffering from iron deficiency (ID).1,2 When your body’s iron stores are depleted, less haemoglobin that carries oxygen to the rest of your body is available in red blood cells, which can result in iron deficiency anaemia (IDA).1,3
Iron mainly exists in complexes bound to proteins and enzymes.4,5 The majority of iron in the body is present in haemoglobin, a protein found in red blood cells that carries oxygen around the body, which is required by your brain for concentration and by your muscles for physical energy.4,6,7 Iron is also needed to maintain a healthy immune system, helping you to fight off infections.3 Over time, ID can mean that your body makes fewer healthy red blood cells, reducing haemoglobin content, and resulting in IDA.5 Even mild to moderate IDA can impair cognitive function, ability to work, and the immune system.5